Geary Art Crawl Festival Project:
 Poster, Program, and Tickets
Photographs from Geary Art Crawl 2022 By Malak Elsharkawy
Geary Art Crawl is a celebration of art and culture on Geary Avenue. It also aims to bring the neighborhood together. It also brings local businesses and artists to the forefront.
Photographs from Geary Art Crawl 2022 By Malak Elsharkawy
Brief Research about Geary Avenue.
Special character area defined by a mix of uses, industrial history, working-class residents
•It's about "the variety of visions" (referring to a mix of uses) and great green space
•It is the right mix of industrial businesses. These manufacturers provide some food/products in a retail/restaurant, commercial entities that require larger spaces, and music venues and performance/practice spaces and galleries.
•(City of Toronto)
Photographs from Geary Art Crawl 2022 By Malak Elsharkawy
My objectives are to capture the essence and spirit of the festival. I planned to accomplish this by keeping in mind the people and the neighborhood. My main goal is to show the creative aspect of the event by using vibrant colors to stay true to their aesthetic.
Festival Poster
Inside pages: Welcome page/ Introduction and Events schedule 

Map inspired from past maps of the event

Program cover
Program cover
Event Details
Event Details
Event Tickets
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